Our Online Rental Application is no longer being offered as we are required to have original signatures in order to process applications - Please Click here for printable application

Or you can Call Toll Free 1-866-883-3421, enter ext. 4019 and press 07 & wait for the prompt to enter your fax number and Our Fax-On-Demand Application will be to be Faxed to you.

Rental Application Town & Country Realty, 2300 Biehn Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Toll Free Telephone & Fax 1-866-883-3421
  Enter # for voicemail.
* Requirement: All applicants must fill out a separate Application to Rent Form unless married.

Hint - Fill out form, click submit & the click the back button in your web browser. Sometimes information stays.

Applicant Screening Charge: $30 per adult occupant if paid with cash or check in office, $33 if paid online - Please Use Paypal link provided on page that loads after submitting application
Please be aware that no applications will be processed without all applicants signature(s), all information on the application(s) and the application charge(s) paid in full. Unit must be viewed & commitment to rent received for your application to be first in line. Unless a deposit to hold is received equal to the security deposit (on the particular rental in question) in cash or certified funds and a Deposit to Hold the rental form is signed.